Monday, February 20, 2017

Gastroenteritis treatment at domestic Tips

liminate dangerous bacteria

Gastroenteritis treatment at domestic Tips


Mixture of ginger ------------ 10 grams

Fuzzy remote -------------- 10 grams

black pepper --------------- 10 grams

ammonia potter -------------- 10 grams

 Mint ------------------- 20 grams

Sulfur Africa ---------------- 40 grams

Anise ------------------- 40 grams

soda -------------------- 40 grams

Strategy Preparation

The given all the ingredients make a fine powder.


Use -one grams to three grams in three times a day.


* Gastroenteritis treatment is useful for all stomach problems. Its use is not only the pain but also eliminated nausea and breathing-related problems, such as the chain removed the infection of the chest, throat, lungs. Not Gastroenteritis treatment is very useful for the nervous digestive asthma.

Gastroenteritis treatment make The fresh face nervous and digestive disorders such as itching all haste, nail facial acne.

Gastroenteritis treatment mosquito bites and other insects as well as the best treatment makes eliminate dangerous bacteria in the mouth and digestive nervous breathing pleasant.

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