Wednesday, February 22, 2017

“ Your smartphone can become a small laboratory to diagnose disease''

Your smartphone can become a small laboratory 

Smartphones are about to transform into small pocket laboratories. which measure bone density to calculate the level of red blood cells or prevent an asthma attack.
Researchers are trying to adapt the technology that already exists, such as the accelerometer, flash or microphone smartphone to medical instruments. Professor Shwetak Patel, of the University of Washington. Develops an application that can detect the level of red blood cells by placing your finger on the camera and flash your mobile phone and the light will pass through the skin detecting place deficiency anemia, writes Telegraph .

It believes that in future, all using a smartphone by stepping on a bone area, it can detect osteoporosis and microphone could test the functionality of the lungs.

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“If you think about the capability of a mobile device, if you look at the room, the flash or microphone, they become increasingly better. TIf we think of people who might have an asthma attack if you can monitor your lung function at home, that would be a step forward, “said Dr. Patel.
Motion sensors can be reconverted them, and this is an application developed by University of Washingron and allows users to put his elbow on the phone to create a stimulus frequency.

“If you think that is just a rigid arm with a hollow bone or a reduction in density which is represented by osteoporosis, the frequency changes ( – how decetcare). Can you control your disease outside a clinic. This may change the way we diagnose and expose illness. Now, patients are empowered to collect this data, “added Professor Shwetak Patel.

Beth Mynatt, a professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology, began also to use smarthpone sites and computers to help patients with clinical illness, such as diabetes or cancer.

“Our objects become a personal support system. Breast cancer patients received a computer that contains all information about their diagnosis and treatment, entered into the system. It may warn you that they will feel bad after chemotherapy, so could arrange childcare ( the critical period after chemotherapy). “

Your smartphone can become a small laboratory to diagnose disease

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