Monday, February 20, 2017

The treatment to increase physical strength

The treatment to increase physical strength


wheat flour ----------------- 500 grams
nuts of Pumpkins --------------- 500 grams
nuts of watermelon --------------- 500 grams
acacia gum ------------------ 100 grams
pure ghee ------------------ 200 grams
milk of cow -------------------- 2 kg

Strategy Preparation

first of all wheat flour heat with pure ghee and then nuts of Pumpkins mixex each other and put these things at the place of fire and end up this process when potent blend is ready.
Use 50 grams before meals in morning and evening time.


"Blood Pressure is effective in reducing. *
* Marshmallow nutrient can lower blood sugar levels.
* For arthritis by reducing inflammation is effectively.

* A mineral deficiency and reduced bone mineral density in older people, most of them. Nervous Marshmallow nutrient zinc and phosphorus, which is essential for bone strength.
- * Marshmallow nutrient can improve mood and useful reduce depression.
* Marshmallow nutrient modulating hormones, headaches, night sweats and mood swings such as hot flashes by nourishing the nervous effective in reducing menopausal symptoms.

Prostate Treatment

This prescription commonly uses for the Prostate Treatment.

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