Monday, February 20, 2017

Treatment of inflammation of the ovary

Treatment of inflammation of the ovary

Treatment of inflammation of the ovary

The ovaries are an important part of the female reproductive system. Their job is twofold. They produce the hormones, including estrogen, that trigger menstruation. They also release at least one egg each month for possible fertilization.
A number of different conditions, from cysts to tumors, can cause ovarian pain. The ovaries are located in the lower abdomen.


Asarh acacia ———————————————— — 1 tola
Opium ————————————————- ——– mash 2
Broiled alum ———————————————— -1 tola

Strategy Preparation

Al the given ingredients make fine powder like a khol.

Synthesis examples

This medicine put into  the effective ovary.


There are following benefits of this herbal medeicine.
This herbal medicine is the soloution of all the women secret diseases.
 By using this medicine  pregrency must implement.
This medicine end up the sabotage,subversion obliteration,desolation.

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